Keep the lights on!

Nov. 10, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,

In Sunday’s Gospel, it is important that the young women in the parable keep their lamps trimmed and lit.  For us living today, it is important for us to keep the light of Christ foremost in our hearts and in our lives.  Like the women on this week’s parable, it is important to display this light so that all can see it, be comforted by it and be able to bring it into their lives as they see fit.  We pray that we will have the never-ending fortitude to keep it lit until the End of Days.  We do not want to be like the foolish young women who let their lights go out!

At St Anne’s and Zion, our campuses provide ample opportunity to let the light of Christ shine. 

At St Anne’s, we want to build on the success of Trunk or Treat in our parking lot to have a simple event in our parking lot during the Advent Season that invites the families that park on our property to experience the warmth and beauty of our Christmas traditions.

At Zion, we are going to have an outdoor Christmas tree in the inner courtyard that will twinkle with lights in the early evening hours.  We will also have a banner on the fence facing Porter Avenue that will proclaim in both English and Spanish, ‘Glory to God in the Highest’.

Our Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Calendar is now set.  Please look for it in your Thursday mailings.  There are plenty of events large and small that will encourage us to pray, reflect and celebrate.  You might even choose an event or two amongst the many that would be just right for a friend or neighbor to attend.

Faithfully yours,



Woke up

